Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unforgettable Fashions in --The Good old Days

I will never forget the shoes my mother made me wear when I was young. Oh how I hated them. I know a lot of kids wore them in those days but I hated them so bad. it was those white and black or brown saddle oxfords. I wanted a bright and shiny patent leather pair of dressy shoes so bad but we simply didn't have the money for them. They were very expensive so I wore the dreaded hated shoes.

Pedal pushers, saddle shoes, (which I hated),bobby socks and white button front shirts was the "IN" style thing to wear. Poodle skirts were also the "in" thing to be seen wearing. You were really "hip" if you had a poodle skirt. This was usual a pink skirt with a black poodle on it and under neath you wore this big "can-can." Which was layers and layers of netting piled on top of each to make your skirt stand way out away from you.

They had what was called a "choo-choo" purse that was poplar. I did manage to save my allowance and get one of these. All it was a purse that looked like the overnight bags look like today only on a smaller scale.

Games played and self entertainment In--The Good Old Days

Remember when we had to use our imagination to entertain our selves as there just wasn't any money to buy things with. We hadn't thought of things yet that required batteries or required a college education to put them together.

There was Hop Scotch, jump the rope, come on over red rover,hide and seek and the favorite of mine Annie over the kick can. Then of course we could always entertain our selves by catching lighting bugs in a jar. WE would take them inside at night and watch them light up in the jar as we went to sleep. We never tired of this.

There was a grocery store that had big wooden barrels that sold pickles in them and we would get a nice big pickle and suck on this for a while. Then we would reach into the cooler of frigid cold ice and water to get a soda.We did not have soda vending machine in those days.I would get a bag of peanuts and pour in my soda and watch it fizz.

I remember one of my favorite shows was Howdy Doody and Happy Trails with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Another favorite I like to watch was Little Rascals and the Mickey Mouse Club. We didn't own a TV in those days, but our kind land lady let me watch these shows each day after school.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good Old Days

Good Old Days
Things that happened while growing up in the good old days.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Me and Grandpa

My grandpa was the sweetest man. I remember I used to love to pretend I was a beautician. Grandpa would sit in a chair (and fall asleep) while I pretended to wash his hair and roll it in rollers. He actually let me do this. I have to laugh about it now because he only had a small patch of hair he combed over the top of his head. Otherwise he was completely bald.

My grandpa worked in a button factory and made buttons from mussel shells. They don't do this anymore. Every thing is done by machines now. But any way this was a very small factory of only 4 employees. I would go over there and watch as they loaded up the mussel shells on to the screens.

This is where they washed them and sorted them. The ones that they couldn't use I got to keep all I wanted of them. I would pretend there was pearls in them and I would go to town and buy things what ever I wanted. I would also use these for my dishes.

I remember making delicious pies in these from mud and some berries.Of course I only pretended to eat them.I made some really elegant dinners in my beautiful dishes. I sit a beautiful table too. Which consisted of cement blocks covered with a hanky for a table cloth. My oven to bake my pies in were also made of 2 bricks on top of each other.

During these hard times when money was low or non exist you had to use your imagination to make your play things. I didn't miss money then like I do now as I was quite happy with my "toys".

Today kids wouldn't dare play with these things. When I discuss making mud pies with mu grand children they look at me like I am crazy.

If kids today don't have there expensive electronic gadgets they think they are so "poor". If they only knew how we grew up.

The Good Old Days--Remember When

I remember when the milk man would deliver milk to our door in glass bottles. he would go down the alley and stop at each house to see if you needed milk. We had a medium sizes metal box beside our door that sat on the ground. It was insulated. He would reach in and take out what bottles we had in it and replace it with the same size bottles.

We kids in the neighborhood used to beg him for chucks of ice off the truck. This was the way the milk was kept cool in those days. It was a real treat to get a chunk of ice to suck on on really hot days. Of course he really didn't have to do this and wasn't really suppose to. But he just did it to be nice to us kids.

The milk bottles had cardboard caps in them. The cream would raise to the top of the bottle and stick to this cardboard cap. I remember my sister and I would always get to it before my mother and lick off the cream and stick the cap back on. My mother never knew we did this as there was still plenty of cream left in the bottle.

The Good Old Days--Remember When

Hey ! Remember when you would be traveling along and all of a sudden you saw this cute road signs about Burma Shave? They always had some kind of cute saying on them and they were spaced several feet a part. Those days of the Burma Shave signs are gone for ever.

In the olden days if you choose to go west there were signs everywhere advertising "genuine Indian souvenirs." At that time when I was small I truly believed they were true Indian souvenirs made by the Indians themselves. Was I ever shocked when I found out my Indian moccasins were made in China. I cried for days because I felt so cheated.

Does anyone remember the old Plymouth cars that had the A/C cooler mounted on the outside of the window on the passengers side. This was way before modern A/C.On hot days you would put crushed ice in it. The part that went through the window at the top was where the cool air came from to cool your car down at least 20 degrees. These were sold by Montgomery Ward. Ahhh those good old days. But I wouldn't change that old A/C for our modern car A/C.